Testimonial: Simon Schellevis

Founder of Into Breathing & Taijiquan instructor
Since an accident in my early teens I have suffered daily back pain. This sent me on a quest to find the root of the pain and fix it, which turned out to span over more than half of my current life.
On this journey, I have seen a myriad of therapists, a number of whom were top of the line in their field of expertise. Without exception, they had difficulty with both diagnosing and treating my issue.
Cranio sacral therapists, chiropractors, ortho manual therapists, physios, osteopaths, all kinds of spiritual doctors, qigong healers, haptonomists, massage therapists, Chinese doctors… And apart from that I tried many other methods of practice myself to help alleviate the problem, daily yoga, stretching, planking, Qi Gong, diets… I gave anything that sounded somewhat sensible a go, and after a while even tried the things I didn’t believe in, because I got more and more hopeless. Some of this made some difference, but it only took off the rough edges, at best.
When I took up Taijiquan as a daily regimen it become much more bearable, but the root of the issues remained. In a total treatment time of about 30 minutes of bone setting by Adam Mizner, spread over 3 sessions, my back pain was entirely gone. For the first time since the accident 17 years ago, I did not feel my spine at all! It was all supple, connected and correct. My mind was blown.
The method seems deceivingly simple, or not even special compared to other methods, but it is easy to fool the untrained eye. The essence of these treatments lies in the skilled touch of the therapist. Adam’s application of force is so precise, penetrating and controlled…
I have never felt that comfortable with someone manipulating my neck. If you have long lasting issues with your posture and/or skeleton, I would advise to move heaven and earth to go and see Mr Mizner or one of his disciples when available.