Testimonial: Dr. Gérald Tur

Certified since 2001 in Chinese Medicine by the Republic of China
"In May 2015, Adam Mizner asked me to give him my point of view regarding his chronic lower back pain. After the consultation, I could diagnose a spinal lesion at L5-S1 with a suspected herniated disc. I advised him to do an MRI, and we chose one of the best hospitals in Thailand. Examination revealed, as i expected, two herniated discs, L5-S1 and L4-L5, due to a lordosis of the lumbar spine and a compression of the spinal disc as well. Quite honestly, I have practiced medicine since 2001, and each similar case has always required surgery. Adam visited four spinal experts who all insisted he needed surgery and could never train martial arts again. After having explained the details of his MRI , he finally decided to take some time to treat it himself, with his knowledge of Tai Chi Chuan and meditation.
I must admit, I was rather skeptical.
Today, 4 months later, he has achieved the impossible. His back injury is almost completely healed. As such, I can confirm the exceptional therapeutic efficacy of his Tai Chi Chuan and mind power."